
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Binary Language

We cannot imagine a world today without computers and they use to run the binary language. This language just can be created with two elements, positive and negative. It is logical, if we think that the computers have only two resources, entrance or not of energy. 

The binary digits make up of the binary language, are codes formed with the power of two. Here what matters is the position. The first number of the serie is two raised to the power of cero, making it one. If one is included in the digit to set, the first position in the series is positive. The second and third number of the serie are two raised to one and two, making it two and four respectively. Then, you have to add the all the positive positions. If you want to create the number three in binary code, you must put positive the first and second position and add one and two which is equal to three. In binary language, positive is one and negative is cero, so three is 110. Of course the series of numbers that computers use are astronomical. 

In binary language, positive can also be white and black negative. If you think about it, understanding that each position in the series corresponds to a time N, where N is the exponent of two, thus has the most primitive fractal which can create any positive number since zero.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Metaphorical Rides

A professor once taught me about the "metaphorical rides", as he used to say. For him, the metaphors were cognitive tools to grasp, uplift and concretize mathematics, specially permutations and probabilities. His metaphors sometimes consisted of one or many fleas jumping by the vertex of geometrical figures one, two or tri dimensional. This is based on our personal experiences are capable of being abstracted to self-sufficient mathematics concepts. While my professor used to teach us, he would study our behavior to learn for his researches about the cognition.
Were those metaphorical rides, which led me to understand that all empirical domains can be abstracted to patterns and therefore, extrapolating this idea, the great domain that is the human experience can be also described in only one metaphor. This is how I discovered new interpretations and I met a new world in the same world. My professor appointed it "dimensional rides through the worlds". Therefore, without a doubt is the most wonderful place I have never gone. The best is that I can return whenever I want, and I always want when I need a systematic explication. Because once you found the metaphor from your experiences, vice versa, the metaphor can explain and predict your experiences. And this metaphor for me is a fractal.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fear of fractal

A film that should not be missed if you love fractals like me, is The Cube. This film is a 1997 Canadian psychological thriller directed by Vincenzo Natali. Some people believe that this film is great because lies in a plot kafkaesque, where nothing explain why the characters are there or why was built that machine. Its prequel Cube Zero explains a little of an organization dedicated to this type of research of human behavior.

Whatever, the characters do not matter in their individuality only in their different abilities, are about six or seven people that appear in a cubic room with six doors, one is in each face of the cube.  Each of these doors leads into another room identical to the previous, that is to say, into a cubic room with six doors one is in each face of the cube. Some cubic rooms have death traps, so the characters must take care with the numbers inscribed on the edge of each door; when none of these numbers are primes, the room is safe and their can pass. Obviously, throughout the movie, some people die dramatically and only saved those with highest integrity and intelligence. The great thing about this movie is the metaphor for the men in a fractal complex, and how they can decrypt it with prime numbers and permutations.

Its sequel, the Hypercube, show how the characters face a dimensioned of a fractal complex in constant development, a fractal given by the recursion of the one cube exponentiated to infinity. I reckon that its resemblance to a kafkaesque paradigm is by the fractal recursion and helplessness of man to get out of this logical problem.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Before the Law

“Before the law sits a gatekeeper”. First sentence with that Kafka begins the parable inserted in his novel The Trial. Frantz Kafka is one of the most admirable writers because he studied law but was faithful to a coherence very difficult to achieve when you believe in law. That coherence was find the “reductio ad absurdum” of understand the problem that means the existence from a deontic paradigm. “To this gatekeeper comes a man from the country who asks to gain entry into the law. But the gatekeeper says that he cannot grant him entry at the moment. The man thinks about it and then asks if he will be allowed to come in sometime later on. “It is possible,” says the gatekeeper, but not now.” The same reality that the right to rejects and which is approaching prophylactically with latex gloves, is that which gives it the possibility to be. But the possibility to be, is distorted because it enters to the procedural system through “procedural truth”. The big fallacy is deontic conversion of reality by the proof which is the foundation of this truth. Then, is by the “procedural truth” that in real trials is builds a virtual reality with the items that meet the requirements of a proof. Justice for this man or who do not travel the deontic halls is presented as an impossible, because the “procedural truth” is not necessary equal to the real truth. “I am powerful.-says the gatekeeper to the man- And I am only the most lowly gatekeeper. But from room to room stand gatekeepers, each more powerful than the other. I cannot endure even one glimpse of the third.”  Achieve justice through the law creates a recursion on itself, like a fractal. Thus a pure deontic logic is a fallacy as a mechanism for justice. “The gatekeeper sees that the man is already dying and, in order to reach his diminishing sense of hearing, he shouts at him, Here no one else can gain entry, since this entrance was assigned only to you. I’m going now to close it.” The problem is that justice can only exist in the world of what must be, because it is never, therefore it is always sought and returns to the man at the gates law, and before the law sits a gatekeeper…

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Why fractal problem?

My blog calls fractal problem because if I want talk you about me I must to start with the beginning of the problem.  I think life is a repetition of itself over and over again in any time and any places, as in huge scales like the universe and the formation of its stars as in very tiny scales like the human life and the events that compose it. Thus, if I exist and you exist to is by we going to exist again and because we already existed.  I recognize that sounds very unreal and significantly improbable, but let me explain you that, in other post…


If you love fractals like me, you can not miss
How nature work by Per Bak
The quark and the jaguar by Murray Gell-Mann

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