
Saturday, June 25, 2011


I really enjoyed making a blog and I think that I will continue. Because, first I have learned a lot of English like vocabulary and grammar. Second I have seized the opportunity to put in order ideas that I have and I can not work in it, understanding that I have not much time and  I have the bad habit of only pay attention to evaluate things. So, this way I could do two things at the same time around the topics that you used say us. 
This method helped me to think in English. Write about open topics makes you utilize the language in your own form. The things I always think are now in English too in my mind. This is useful to me to read technical literature of the topics that interest me, like How Nature works by Per Bak that it is not translated to Spanish. (I have exhausted the scant literature in Spanish about fractals and systems theory).
I do not think that write a blog have disadvantages. The advantages are evident; you can do this anywhere and at any time. You just have to sort your time. Also, the open topics make you can do this wherever you want, to personalized learning. Additionally you correct us online, so we can learn of our mistakes.
It only remains to say I thank you. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Theory of Systems

I do not understand the reality since a positive paradigm. This paradigm has one premise to support all its knowledge: there is an only reality that can be observed. The mankind development has shown that it is impossible build a single reality.  This necessarily depends on the observer. But how we live in a community the reality depends on all participants in this community. Deep down I just repeat the conclusions reached by Maturana & Varela, Chilean authors that applied the theory of systems at the epistemological problem. Being consistent, the theory of systems should be applied to the form we know the reality. So that a worldview base on this paradigm can not be biased in particular subjects. The theory of systems started with Ludwig Von Bertalanffy in an effort for an interdisciplinary research trying to find common properties to entities called systems. These systems observe the reality at different levels where interconnect various areas of knowledge. 

Fractal is describing the motion of a pendulum
The actual big problem is that it does not exist pure systems. This are called closed systems. The classical physics describes mathematically the events from closed systems in that have not stranger elements. But the dominant view understands that all systems in reality are open. That is to say, in there are stranger elements. The elements that interfere in open systems further complicate things, because they become less predictable. Here is where to play the theories of chaos. Indeed scientists have discovered something, where there is more chaos there is an implicit order. The fractal theory works in these cases like metaphorical rides to describe this order, like the butterfly effect. I appreciate the theory of systems because it is valuable like epistemological paradigm and it explain all the reality as one whole objective.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fractal Cake

Today I am going to talk about de best place to go eat. From a little town in my country, called “Worst is nothing” a woman of great effort and perseverant emerged from poverty. Her name is Rose. She is now an old woman that remembers her past with great joy, but it is not funny. Without education and with a lot of injustice, she only counted with her excellent ability to cook. First she worked in a truckers stop cooking fast food. Then, a restaurant owner in the region asked her to job in his business. It was there where she learned many recipes most of all international recipes. Her grandmother thought her cook traditional food of the Mapuche culture, so that she could to create and do many dishes. After that she had became independent and many stories occurred, she chose to retire in a little house in the beach. She yet stills cooking but only for the people of our village. I can not say the precise place to go with her because our village does not have a formal address. I just can tell you that her dishes are the best in the world.

I always go to my beach house, often alone to rest or study and she is very maternal with me. Sometimes she looks me like a foreign who brings news of civilization. Once I said her that her cake seemed like a fractal, and she genuinely laughed not understands me at all. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I believe that human conscience is not determined by the time, the body that contains it is. It get old and conscience is extinguished. But while the body lives, conscience remains an independent existence but in symbiosis with it. This independence is possible because we are always ourselves throughout our stay in the world, although all cells of our bodies are different every year. The conscience outside of time and space apprehends the experiences that happen to their environment, it is full of knowledge but to follow being the same. 

In this picture I was about fourteen years, it is a picture of my school course, I cut out and it was took by the school photographer. At that time I cut my hair like a boy, I loved it, but the reviews were not the best. Today I admire myself; I had to have a lot of courage to choose to be different. If I had been able to count on who I am now, at this time, things would have been much better. So, it is that I now to count on who will be, because it may know many things in the future that it  will expand my dimensionality such as tree rings or turns of a snail, but myself will be always the same. The conscience                                                    is not more than a recursion on itself like a spiral fractal.


The Chilean Coast

Once, with a friend in my beach house observe the sun hiding in the distance and he told me that the perimeter of the Chilean coast is infinite. I could not believe it. But how it might be possible I answered; If we consider only the region of Chiloe and if its perimeter must be infinite, how is it possible that I have traveled the entire island from end to end, on the main road? The big island of Chiloé and the entire Juan Fernandez archipelago has an area of land measurable and finite. However, its perimeter still being infinite, said me my dear friend. How can that be possible?

When Benoit Mendelbrot used to work for IBM, he would devote, among others things, to investigate the length of the coast of Britain. He understood that the measure depends on the accuracy and precision of the ruler used. For every ruler that is used, there will be twists and turns that must be ignored and we realize that measured obtained is always an approximation of the actual length. No matter how small the ruler, the results will be always approximations. If we use an infinitesimal measure it will give as result that the length of the coast of Brittany and the Chilean coast are infinite ). Because of this, he had to resort to fractal geometry which measures the degree of ruggedness and discontinuity of an object presenting a constant state of irregularity at different scales.

I must admit that I felt ashamed of my giant selfishness to understand an infinity so small.



If you love fractals like me, you can not miss
How nature work by Per Bak
The quark and the jaguar by Murray Gell-Mann

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