
Friday, January 27, 2012

Law School

I chose study law and looking for the job opportunities in my future, I thought the best in my case was entering in the law school of University of Chile. This is the oldest law school in my country and is it is recognized by its tradition and excellence.
When I started to go to classes I must admit I thought the people here were a little pride and malevolent and I was right. Then, I understood that this attitude that I used to see in the other people in my faculty and it make me feel so angry about my career decision, it is a professional performance. 
For study law, you don't need laboratories, tools, models, special costumes or stuff like this. Sure, you spend a lot of money in books or photocopies but any good university student spent at least in that. So, the law career is very cheap if you look its production costs.  Then, What make it that the law career be something so special?
The lawyer must to be someone sure of himself, someone really strong, with a thinking clear and decisive. For that, the law career is a constant training of mortification and little humiliations. That way, when you have to be in front of the court and the judges will point the finger, when the counterpart is a lot of lawyers against you and you must allege alone and hold a legal position, you will remember the toughness you've learned in these classrooms. You also will remember that, you went already nothing and anything could be worse than that. Everything you've earned is by your own. So, all your capital is yourself, nothing more.

Green walking

Anyone could say that it is rather difficult for a girl like me, borned and raised in Santiago, talk about what does it mean the Green in my life. However, the truth is that my eyes have been captive from that amazing colour for as long I can remember now. And for a trained eye like mine, there is some green in every place. 

When dreaming about their vacation, people all the time say that they would like to fly away to a nice Caribbean beach, but not me. Me, I can be happy with a few trees.
Being waken up by the touch of the thickness of a tree, or the sounds that creates the air passing trough the leaves. That, my dear friends, should be the perfect way to spend a nice afternoon. Or maybe just walking around with a good companion on a street surrounded by trees, talking about the Universe while we see the tree crowns getting together, creating the perfect path for us.
But how can I like this city so much and, at the same time, recognize that I need the Green to be happy. Maybe it's because those little but precious green spots that we can find in between the rest of our sometimes dark and always grey Santiago remind me that there is a better place somewhere, that there is a better way to do things, and that there is definitely a better way to live this life: walking around enjoying every bit of green that you have.
So, I guess you could say I’m a walking-Green-lover

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Euthanasia is a controversial topic. First of all, in my view, if somebody wants to understand this practice must to agree that pain and suffering aren't the fundament of its acceptance. That is to say, the pain or suffering of a particular person does that other people feel empathy for this person but the moral ideas can't be a solid base to generate it as an institution.
To see this problem easy, we should have one idea, The right do not come from God or ius naturalis. Just that way, the right to live comes from a constitutional norm and this is given by the man and for the man.  All the fundamental guarantees belong to man and they are not over him. For this reason, the man could dispose of these. If the man has these rights and can dispose of them, suicide or euthanasia must be accepted by the society.
Otherwise, every single time when suicide or euthanasia are not accepted, it is taken that the rights are over the man and force him coercively.  Which means in turn, that the right isn't given by the man, if not, for something outside him. Which in this case are God and his divine laws. And this is to assume that the moral ideas order our legal system. So, the empathy for suffering and pain isn't never something superior as the rules of God.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Jarawa's People.

Jarawa is a tribe with 403 people. It's located in the Bay of Bengal in a jungle reserve, belonging to India. Its members, completely ignoring our culture, are trusting, innocent and hugely vulnerable to exploitation. It all started when in 1996 Enmai, a child of the tribe was taken to the hospital in the region, when he returned, spoke fantastic things about the outside world. This, encouraged at other member of tribe, specially the young people, to explore out of the jungle. The contact of this people with the foreign and tourists has been at the detriment of the Jarawa's people. The strange ones abuse of Jarawa's people, humiliating, forcing them to indignities by only entertainment. It's a trophy for the strangers take a recording or a photograph of this people, women naked from the waist up, men and boys absurdly gullible, obeying the orders from strangers by food or catchpenny. Also, the contact with foreign and tourist have made that people become addicted to tobacco, stimulant and others things. Jarawa’s women are victims of sexual exploitation, giving birth to bastards who are killed by the tribe. This people can't resist very well external diseases. For that reasons, The Indian Supreme Court order in 2002 reduce the number of convoys that spend on the road next to jungle in the Jarawa's zone. Then, in 2007 the Indian government established a buffer zone around the reserve. It suppose, the policemen must to protect this people, instead they accept bribes from the tourist and they are in many times who exploit the Jarawa's people.

Electronic Music

When I listen music I see a choreography of colours. This is like that, because when I was a child I always saw the Olympics, specially, artistic gymnastics or ice skating. The colours are the costumes of the competitors that remain in my memory, it turn and jump with the music making a beautiful dancing. That is the reason that I don't like the music sung. Because as everyone knows, in these competitions are not allowed that kind of music.
For other hand, when I went to my first party I was fascinated. For the weekend I escape with a group of friends to Valparaiso and we went to Muelle Baron. The party started in the afternoon on Friday and ended in the evening on Sunday, all days with electronic music. We slept in tents and ate very expensive sushi that is the only thing they sell there. This kind of events is called Rave and beginning in the seventies with hippies concerts like Woodstock or Piedra Roja in Chile. In that Rave, always arrive a moment in that you can't feel your body and you can be seize by the music. As African dances around the fire,  that makes the dancers get into a state of trance.
Since then I can't avoid go to the parties, with electronic music, Dj's and lights.

Friday, December 30, 2011


I've always wanted to go India. I think it's the most beautiful place in this world. Although, I must recognize that today, the ideas associated with this country are the child famine, the VIH, poor distribution of wealth and the growing empire of technology. But, I'm talking of another India. My India begins in my childhood, when secretly I read Arabian Nights, full version. It has scenes about wonderful landscapes when the caravans were able to leave the desert. There were luscious fruits, delicious delicacies and very special women.
Then, in my adolescence India was a place where had been planned the noblest of religions, Hinduism. Searching in the human task, looking the things that really exist and we used to ignore. There are images in my mind, of a rest in a thick vegetation, with incense-scented, sweaty skin and flies everywhere. I think there must be many kind of teas and that the odors of their boils permeate places.
If I go to India, I would not return. I would be isolated in a monastery and live this culture for ever.

Friday, December 23, 2011


If you think about some TV series whose plot are doctors or lawyers, there must be a time when the medicine cases or law cases are exhausted and the plot of the TV series is heading for the private lives of the characters or a kind of philosophy of human behavior. I prefer the second option. For example, "Doctor House" was a very popular TV serie meanwhile its protagonist was a surly old man, who had not life of his own. It was very exciting seen how Dr. House used to destroy the life of his patients, from the premise "Everybody lies". Of course, one would say the whole truth of its most   shameful things if you are about to die by hiding them.

By the other hand, I really enjoy TV series about law firms with political intrigues, like Boston Legal or The Good Wife. Human behavior facing morals complexities, it’s fascinating. I always remember a chapter of the serie Boston Legal, which developed the theme about the Schadenfreude. It’s a German word that means, the feeling of joy to other's suffering. I never believed before that when one laughs at the misfortune of someone is by, one has chosen the right path. It’s a feeling that arises from natural selection.


If you love fractals like me, you can not miss
How nature work by Per Bak
The quark and the jaguar by Murray Gell-Mann

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